1.1 This specification provides reference information for National Standards and CNH requirements for ductile iron castings. There are four grades covered in the specification including two preferred grades. It is intended to replace Former CNH Company Material Specifications listed in Table 1 and should be used on all applicable new drawings.

1.2 In addition to the requirements of referenced National Standards, all casting materials supplied to this specification shall also meet the Class 1 (CL1) requirements specified in Table 4. Class 1 requirements apply to all existing and new engineering drawings where CNH MAT2004 ductile iron grades are specified.

1.3 Annex A, Table A1 shows typical chemical composition expected for each CNH Grade. Conforming to composition ranges in Table A1 can assist foundries in meeting hardness, mechanical property and CL1 requirements for CNH ductile iron grades.

1.4 Annex B, Table B1 shows the typical matrix microstructure expected for each CNH Grade. Conforming to matrix microstructure in Table B1 along with the casting hardness can assist in attaining the mechanical property requirements for CNH ductile iron grades. For purposes of this specification matrix microstructure is comprised of the pearlite and ferrite phases excluding graphite content.

1.5 Casting quality shall comply with the requirements of CNH MAT2010, Casting Soundness and Surface Quality, in addition to requirements of referenced National Standards. MAT2010 shall be listed on all casting drawings in the applicable standards block per DWGA150.

1.6 All National Standards and related test methods are to be latest issue unless otherwise specified.

Table 1 Former CNH Company Material Specifications
CASE NH Pennsylvania FNHA-Standard NH-Zedelgem Engineering Stds NH Tractor Engineering
A MS-612, 4018 2-A-920, 60-40-18 ES 61.18, GGG40 Fiat 52215, GH 40-30-15
B MS-612, 4512 2-A-920, 65-45-12 ES 61.23, GGG50 Fiat 52215, GH 45-33-15
C MS-612, 5506 2-A-920, 80-55-06 ES 61.22, GGG60 Fiat 52215, GH 60-38-10
D MS-612, 7003 2-A-920, 100-70-03 Fiat 52215, GH 65-48-05


2.1 Ductile iron is often specified when increased strength and ductility is required over gray iron. It does, however, exhibit reduced machinability, castability and less thermal conductivity than gray iron. Ductile irons are specified for frame members, highly stressed housings, and critical structural components, among others. The preferred grades of ductile iron, Grades B and C, are most economically used in the as-cast condition, See Table 2.

2.2 Based on design practices and availability, as-cast Grade B and C are preferred for designs manufactured in Europe, as-cast Grade C is preferred for designs manufactured in North America.

Table 2 CNH Grades and Material Description
CNH Grade Description
A As-cast, fully annealed, or subcritically annealed Typically 95% minimum ferrite
Preferred in Europe
As-cast, fully annealed, or subcritically annealed Essentially ferrite with some pearlite
Preferred in North America and Europe
As-cast or normalized, mixture of ferrite and pearlite
Essentially pearlitic
D As-cast or normalized Essentially pearlitic

2.3 The microstructure of ductile iron produced to this specification is expected to be composed of predominantly spheroidal graphite in a matrix of ferrite and/or pearlite compatible with the required mechanical properties. Annex B, Table B1, shows the typical matrix microstructure expected for each CNH Grade. The matrix microstructure should be evaluated in conjunction with the specified hardness and graphite morphology. Where a ductile iron casting does not exhibit the expected matrix microstructure for the specified CNH Grade, additional testing may be required by the CNH procuring location for acceptance or rejection of the casting.

2.4 When part drawings specify optional grades, or a grade permitting optional conditions (as-cast, fully annealed, normalized, etc.), the using manufacturing plant and the supplying foundry shall agree on which of the optional conditions shall be furnished. The supplying foundry is not permitted to change back and forth between allowable optional conditions without prior written approval from the using manufacturing plant.

2.5 Outside suppliers of semi-finished castings that require further processing at a CNH plant such as heat treating or machining are not permitted to change the ductile iron material supplied for the originally specified material without prior written approval from the CNH plant procuring the part.


CNH DWGA150 (87021640) Casting & Forging Drawings
CNH DWGA155 (87021640) Casting Identification Marking
CNH DWGB105 (86979025) Specifying General Tolerances
CNH ENPH110 (87303288) Date Coding
CNH ENPJ100 (86619032) Significant Characteristics
CNH MAT1003 (86979049) Metallic Material Designations on Engineering Drawings
CNH MAT2010 (87034349) Casting Soundness and Surface Quality



Applicable National Standards for CNH ductile iron grades are listed in Table 3. In general, it is permissible to produce a part from any of these comparable National Standard grades for a corresponding CNH Grade when no special strength or composition requirements are specified.

Table 3 Local Material and National Standard References  
A SAE J434, D400
(D4018 (3))
DIN1693, GGG40 BS 2789, 400/18
EN 1563, EN-GJS-400-15 EN-GJS-400-18 Fiat 52215,
GH 40-30-15
B (1) SAE J434, D450
(D4512 (3))
DIN1693, GGG50 BS 2789, 450/10
EN 1563, EN-GJS-450-10 EN-GJS-500-7 Fiat 52215,
GH 45-33-15
C (2) SAE J434, D550
(D5506 (3))
DIN1693, GGG60 BS 2789, 600/3 EN 1563, EN-GJS-600-3 Fiat 52215,
GH 60-38-10
D SAE J434, D700
(D7003 (3))
DIN1693, GGG70 BS 2789, 700/2 EN 1563, EN-GJS-700-2 Fiat 52215,
GH 65-48-05

(1) Preferred grade in Europe
(2) Preferred grade in North America and Europe
(3) Former SAE J434 grade designations, FEB2004 revision


5.1 CNH ductile iron Grades shall meet all requirements of the applicable National Standards, the Class 1 requirements defined in this specification, and any special requirements specified on the engineering drawing. The additional Class 1 requirements shall apply to all existing and new engineering drawings where CNH MAT2004 ductile iron grades are specified.

TABLE 4 Class 1 (CL1) Requirements for CNH Ductile Iron Castings
Metallurgical Requirements
·     Graphite nodule Type shall be ≥ 85% Type I and II per ASTM A247 (Equivalent to ≥ 85% Type V and VI per Fiat 50206).  Flake graphite is not permitted, see Section 5.2.1.
·     Graphite nodule Size shall be Class 6 or finer per ASTM A247 (Equivalent to Class 6 per Fiat 50206).
·     The matrix microstructure shall conform to the descriptions per Table 2 (1).
·     Castings shall be substantially free of chill (white or mottled iron).  Fine, well distributed carbides, shall be less than 0.5% for Grades A and B and less than 3% for Grades C and D, may be present as long as they do not adversely affect machinability or other properties of the casting.  No massive carbides or excessive carbon floatation are expected.  Evaluate carbides microscopically at 100X magnification.
Chemistry Requirements
·     (%Cu/10) + %Sn shall not exceed 0.08% maximum.

(1) Where ductile iron castings are quenched and tempered the matrix microstructure shall be tempered martensite


CNH MAT2010, Casting Soundness and Surface Quality shall be listed on all casting drawings in the applicable standards block per DWGA150. MAT2010 requirements apply to all castings and include the following.

5.2.1 Flake graphite is not permitted in ductile iron castings except at cast surfaces where it is limited to a depth of 0.25 mm, see MAT2010.

5.2.2 Foundries are expected to employ practices to eliminate the potential for dross. If dross is present in the iron, see MAT2010 Section 7.3.1 for related defect acceptance limits.

5.3 Castings that include areas/sections considered critical by Engineering shall have the location of critical sections and required minimum properties clearly specified on the engineering drawing. When so designated, these minimum property requirements shall be met in standard test bars machined from the casting at the section designated. Concerning hardness requirements at critical sections, alternate locations may be checked for hardness provided correlation with critical section hardness has been established.

5.3.1 It is recommended that the hardness requirement and check locations be specified on the engineering drawing.


CNH Engineering shall specify the location of casting markings on the drawing. Critically stressed areas, machined areas, and visibility on the machine should be considered. Markings commonly included on castings are: the foundry trademark or identification; the cast date (format per CNH ENPH110) or heat code; rough casting part number; and material identification code. Casting identification shall comply with marking requirements of CNH DWGA155 which shall be listed in the applicable standards block of the drawing per DWGA150.


Castings shall conform to dimensions and tolerances as per CNH DWGB105 or as specified on the engineering drawing.


6.1 Optional conditions or grades listed in National Standards may be applied as special requirements (SPCL). These requirements shall be indicated on the engineering drawing and apply to both the CNH grade and National Standard specified. Special requirements that may be applied include the following:


6.2.1 Quench and Tempering

Quenched and tempered (through hardened) ductile iron castings can be specified for improved strength and wear resistance. For this material condition Grade DQ&T per SAE J434 should be specified on the drawing along with the required hardness, see Section for a drawing note example.

6.2.2 Normalizing

Where a casting is required to exhibit a pearlitic microstructure prior to being induction or flame hardened, or it has a section thickness less than 6.5 mm, normalizing should be specified on the engineering drawing. This heat treatment shall only be specified for CNH Grades C and D when the resulting benefits justify the added costs of normalizing. Normalized castings must be fully austenitized during heat treatment. The following notes shall be used on the drawing to specify normalizing for the corresponding CNH grades. See Section for a drawing note example. CNH Grade C: Normalize to produce a microstructure of 70% minimum pearlite. CNH Grade D: Normalize to produce a microstructure of 85% minimum pearlite.

6.2.3 Austempering

Austempered ductile iron (ADI) castings can be specified to obtain higher strength castings with improved impact and/or wear resistance. ADI material grade and hardness range should be specified on the engineering drawing through ASTM A897 or EN 1564. However, austempering requires cooperation on iron chemistry between the foundry and heat treater; and castings with a large section thickness may require alloying to properly through harden. Suppliers that perform austempering are limited and designation of sole sourcing on the drawing may be necessary. These factors may significantly affect competitive sourcing and cost.


All ductile iron casting material supplied to this specification shall be equivalent in every respect to samples approved by the CNH location procuring the casting. While the procuring location may test samples from incoming shipments for quality assurance, the supplier is responsible for ensuring that shipments meet the stated requirements without depending upon the purchaser’s inspection.


8.1 Specifying a restricted (RSTR) or special (SPCL) material may require the use of a significant characteristic per CNH Engineering Procedure ENPJ100 (86619032). This will be determined as part of the design review process.
8.2 The title block of engineering drawings shall contain material designations as described in CNH MAT1003 (86979049) Metallic Material Designations on Engineering Drawings. This specification includes Class 1 (CL1, Table 4) requirements for ductile iron castings that are in addition to those in the referenced National Standards. In the title block of a drawing, the CNH Material block shall include the generic material name, CNH Material Specification number, CNH grade, and CL1 designation. The Local Material block will not include a Listed or Local material; it shall contain “See Notes”. A material note on the drawing shall include the Local or National Standard material considered in the original part design and the MAT2004 Class 1 requirement. The following are examples of drawing material designations for ductile iron castings:

8.2.1    Referenced Materials; also see Table 3.
  CNH Material          
  Ductile Iron CNH MAT2004, Grade B, CL1          
  Local Material          
  See Notes          
Material Note (on drawings)
Ductile Iron, Fiat 52215, GH 45-33-15
Except CL1 requirements per CNH MAT2004
8.2.2    Restricted Material (RSTR)
  CNH Material          
  Ductile Iron CNH MAT2004, Grade C, CL1, RSTR          
  Local Material          
  See Note          
(Material Note on drawing):
Ductile Iron, SAE J434, Grade D550
Except CL1 requirements per CNH MAT2004 No Alternate Material Permitted
8.2.3    Special Requirements (SPCL) Normalized Ductile Iron
  CNH Material          
  Ductile Iron, CNH MAT2004, Grade C, CL1, SPCL          
  Local Material          
  See Notes          
(Material Note on drawings)
Ductile Iron, SAE J434, Grade D550
Except CL1 requirements per CNH MAT2004 Special Requirements (SPCL) are:
Normalize to produce a microstructure of 70% minimum pearlite.  Quenched and Tempered Ductile Iron
  CNH Material          
  Ductile Iron, CNH MAT2004, CL1, SPCL          
  Local Material          
  See Notes          
(Material Note on drawings)
Ductile Iron, SAE J434, Grade DQ&T
Except CL1 requirements per CNH MAT2004 Special Requirements (SPCL) are:
Quench and Temper to a Hardness of 48-53 HRC


9.1 Mechanical properties for comparable National Standard material grades are grouped together in Table 5 and provide information for engineering guidance.

9.2 For design purposes CNH Engineering must consider the differences in dimensional tolerances
and properties of referenced National Standard ductile iron materials to assure functionality, reliability, and serviceability of a part when manufactured in different parts of the world. In applications when these differences in local materials are significant and can not be compensated for in the design, the material may be restricted to the originally specified local material as described in CNH MAT1003 (86979049) Metallic Material Designations on Engineering Drawings.

0 Mechanical Properties      
Local Material / National Standard Casting Hardness HB Test Bar Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength,
MPa (psi), Min
Yield Strength,
MPa (psi), Min
% Min
A (1) SAE J434, D400 170 max. 400 (58,000) 275 (40,000) 18
DIN 1693, GGG40 400 (55,000) 250 (36,000) 15
EN 1563, 400-18 130-175 typical 400 (55,000) 250 (36,000) 18
BS 2789, 400/18 179 max. 400 (55,000) 250 (36,000) 18
BS 2789, 420/12 212 max. 420 (61,000) 270 (39,000) 12
EN 1563, 400-15 135-180 typical 400 (55,000) 250 (36,000) 15
Fiat 52215, GH 40-30-15 150-180 390 (56,500) 295 (43,000) 15 typical
B (1) SAE J434, D450 156-217 450 (65,000) 310 (45,000) 12
DIN 1693, GGG50 500 (72,000) 320 (46,000) 7
EN 1563, 450-10 160-210 typical 450 (65,000) 310 (45,000) 10
EN 1563, 500-7 170-230 typical 500 (72,000) 320 (46,000) 7
BS 2789, 450/10 160-221 450 (65,000) 320 (46,000) 10
BS 2789, 500/7 170-241 500 (72,000) 320 (46,000) 7
Fiat 52215, GH 45-33-15 150-190 440 (64,000) 325 (47,000) 15 typical
C (1) SAE J434, D550 187-255 550 (80,000) 380 (55,000) 6
DIN 1693, GGG60 600 (87,000) 370 (53,500) 3
EN 1563, 600-3 190-270 typical 600 (87,000) 370 (53,500) 3
BS 2789, 600/3 192-269 600 (87,000) 370 (53,500) 3
Fiat 52215, GH 60-38-10 190-250 590 (86,000) 370 (53,500) 10 typical
D (1) SAE J434, D700 241-302 700 (102,000) 450 (65,000) 3
DIN 1693, GGG70 700 (102,000) 440 (64,000) 2
BS 2789, 700/2 229-302 700 (102,000) 420 (61,000) 2
EN 1563, 700-2 225-305 typical 700 (102,000) 420 (61,000) 2
Fiat 52215, GH 65-48-05 240-280 640 (93,000) 470 (68,000) 5 typical

(1) SAE J434 mechanical properties are measured on separately cast test bars that may vary in casting sections depending on composition and cooling rate. Hardness values are typical and provided as guideline information.
— Values not specified.

ANNEX A –– Typical Composition of Ductile Iron Castings
Table A1   Chemistry,  Weight Percent (1)
(When no range is specified the value is maximum)
C Si Mn P S (2) Mg Cu (3) Cr (3) Sn (3) Ti (3)
A 3.50 – 3.80 2.40 – 2.80 0.25 0.050 0.025 0.025 – 0.065 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.050
B 3.50 –
2.20 –
0.25 –
0.050 0.025 0.025 –
0.10 –
0.05 0.01 0.050
C 3.50 – 3.90 2.40 – 2.80 0.30 – 0.50 0.050 0.025 0.030 – 0.060 0.40 – 0.60 0.05 0.05 0.050
D 3.50 –
2.20 –
0.40 –
0.050 0.025 0.025 –
0.60 –
0.05 0.05 0.050
(1)    The chemistries in this table provide guidance for engineering and are not specification requirements. The poured iron chemistry per this table is provided to help achieve required hardness, mechanical properties and CL1 requirements for specified CNH grades.
(2)    Weight Percentage Sulfur in base metal prior to magnesium treatment.
(3)    Alloying elements that may be added to enhance the properties of ductile iron castings.
ANNEX B –– Typical Matrix Microstructure for CNH Grades
Table B1 Matrix Microstructure, Phase Percentage (1)
CNH Grade Pearlite Content
Ferrite Content
A Maximum,  5 (2) Remainder (100 – % pearlite)
B 10 – 65
C 40 – 85
D 70 – 100
(1)    The total summation of pearlite and ferrite phase percentages in the matrix microstructure equals 100% excluding the graphite content. The matrix microstructure phase percentages in this table provide guidance for engineering and are not specification requirements.  The phase percentages in this table are provided to help achieve required mechanical properties for specified CNH grades.
(2)    Where hardness and graphite morphology requirements are met the pearlite content for this grade shall not exceed 15%.